Italea Veneto

Veneto has been one of the regions that has contributed the most to migration flows.

Veneto itself in a short period of time became a leader in tourism and made in Italy.

For those who live there, and for those who left, remembering the Roots is essential.


The Radici Venete project was created at the stimulus of the Ministerial Call – at the behest of Venetian associations in the emigration-immigration sector (ABM – Associazione Bellunesi nel mondo, Associazione Veronesi nel mondo APS, Associazione Vicentini nel mondo, AITM – Associazione Internazionale Trevisani nel mondo APS, Associazione Veneti nel mondo APS).

The Radici Venete APS Association was formed in Treviso in June 2023, and has generated more than 60 partnership agreements with both institutional and private and voluntary entities.

It stands out for wanting to activate itself on different lines of intervention, thanks to the complementary professionalism it includes: certainly it addresses the theme of tourism and the journey of roots, cultural, religious and food and wine aspects, but also the theme of disability and inclusivity, that of genealogy, that of communication and youth training.

For this reason, the Association intends to collaborate with all those in the Veneto Region who are professionally involved-from DMOs to municipalities, from Pro Loco to various cultural institutions, from dioceses to state archives, from schools of all levels to universities (including international ones)-in assisting and welcoming those who are linked by descent to the land of their ancestors, structuring the offer of “Roots Tourism.”

In particular, it also wishes to create, within the framework of the Year of Italian Roots, a place of meeting and cultural exchange both within the region and in dialogue with other Italian territories, as well as with all those who feel a connection with roots but also the awareness of current events: a virtual meeting place open to various generations, with a focus on disadvantaged people, practitioners and local communities.
